Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mr. Ashley Donaldson

This is my husband, his name is Ash. He has been my best friend for the past 9 years...and is now my soul mate! I love him with all of my heart!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A little bit scattered...

There comes a time in every persons' life, where you just throw your hands up and say "whatever". Lately, people really just irritate me.

Life has been throwing fewer and fewer lemons these days..and I am almost out of lemonade.

My life, is perfect with a side of speed-bumps. I am where I want to be in my life. I am surrounded by great family and friends. I have the most amazing cousins anyone could ever ask for. I really enjoy our newly found time together! I am so much closer with my *new* sister, Jocelyn! I am so happy that we are where we are! I have the most amazing husband, he is my best friend. We are perfect. I, on the other hand, am still working on my perfectness. I know, I know...I will never be PERFECT, but I will be pretty darn close! My mom brought up that she would like to sponsor a child from Auberle, a home for children without adequate parents. I am considering doing this as well. I feel like I need to do something for the community. Maybe I can volunteer with my church for some stuff, work at the food bank, donate some clothes. If I was older, and had my life together, I would even consider fostering a child. I have always had an interest in fostering/adopting older children who have less of a chance of getting homes because of their age. Right now, I am not financially or mentally able to do this, but spending a few days a month with a kid is much more viable. Ash is interested in some volunteer work as well. We can do it together and help to build our own relationship even further. Not only will it be good for someone else, it will help us to be better people!

So as for the people who irritate me, I am letting it go. I really do not need it! :)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This weekend I did NOT totally enjoy running around the Pittsburgh Children's Museum with my nephew Tyler.It did NOT prompt me to become very excited for the day I have my own 2 year old to chase around!!

I did NOT catch my nephew's vomit at the Children's Museum cafeteria...that would be just gross!

I did NOT eat only Mexican food this weekend...I am NOT obsessed with Mexican food..and I am most certainly NOT obsessed with Chipotle.

And lastly, I did NOT thoroughly enjoy a long nap alongside my husband yesterday afternoon. I would NEVER nap when there were so many other things I could be getting done!

Monday, January 11, 2010

It's Monday! A day to air out our dirty laundry. A day to confess. It's refreshing and therapeutic!
Head on over to MckMama's blog to read more posts just like this one!

This weekend, I did not spontaneously invite people over at 8pm to play beer pong, and I did not get ridiculously drunk for the first time in months.

While shopping this weekend, I did not seriously consider getting the $140 cowboy boots that were comfy AND cute...and I am NOT still considering.

Its not me, this Monday, who cannot really think of things I didn't do... :)

Have a great Monday, err not!

Friday, January 8, 2010

My Little Life

It's Friiiiiiiidaaaaay!! Do you know what that means?

1. What's your "comfort food"?

Chips & Salsa...I can literally sit with a bowl of salsa and bag of chips and be happy for a good 24 hours. I am also partial to Heluva Good French Onion dip.. What can I say, I am a dip'n'chips kinda girl! :)

2. Do you send Thank You's (handwritten or email)?

For my shower & wedding, I bought cards and added a handwritten note. Boy, was that difficult. I had so many to write!!! I think I may have carpal tunnel now.

3. If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose?

Lost. There is just so much action and excitement. They also get to live on a beautiful beach. I love it. I love that they survive with no technology..and still look so clean and nourished.

4. What is your favorite online recipe site?

Pretty much all of my recipes are from or something. I always print them, never use them! haha. I like to "wing it".

5. If you had to choose: "Friends" or "Seinfeld"?

Friends, I cannot stand Seinfeld. I will literally find something away from the tv to do if it is on.

Please go over to My Little Life to see what everyone else has to say, and to check out the host of this fun Friday adventure. :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Not so positive outlook...

Since about Thanksgiving, I have been dealing with illness. I have recently been diagnosed with an infection of my colon. It's been no fun. I finally had it under control with strong antibiotics, and was fine...til yesterday. Yesterday I started getting the "feeling" that it was coming back, and today, I am almost sure it is. Sigh... I am very tired of being sick. Not only did I have a colon infection, but some strange infection of my throat. The throat thing went away though and will be taken care of this spring for good. I am having a tonsillectomy this spring...apparently strep throat 3 times a year isn't good. ;)

Nothing can ever just stay well.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A New Year...

A new outlook on life.

This year, my resolution is not to lose weight (my tonsillectomy will do that on its own), but to be a better "me". Far too many times, I let people get the best of me. I let people hurt my feelings and crush me to the ground. I took personally, what people feel about my life and actions.

Well, ladies and gents, I.AM.DONE.

From this year forward, I will posses a "D.G.A.F." attitude. When someone feels badly about themselves, and tries to belittle me to heal their pain...I won't care. I am the most important person to myself. I have to respect myself. I will no longer be confrontational in my handling of problems. If you have a problem with me, well, you have a problem with me and should just go away.

From this year forward, I will put family before friends...because let's face it...friends come and go. I have never in my life had friends stick around for more than a few years, I guess I am just not a great friend. Pity me. :)

I will be an assertive, happy, fun, family oriented, married, new job seeking, life of the party, caring chick on a mission to follow her path in life!

Welcome home, me.