Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blizzard 2010

Saturday, February 6, 2010; marks the first time I have ever seen any mass amounts of snow. I have lived in Pittsburgh since 1996, and I just now have experienced a storm of blizzard proportions! It was absolutely mind blowing! My loving husband did the dirty work of shoveling while I played with my Chloe in the 28-36 inches of fluff! The roads were not even plowed until Monday afternoon! I skipped work on Monday because I was "snowed in" and had a lazy day. On Tuesday, I drove to work, only to get stuck on a main drag and then again outside the parking lot to my work. Needless to say, it is still in the spot that men had to push it into! I have been hitching a ride from a co-worker who lives close by. Today, he couldn't even get up my street, I had to walk to the bottom...a good half mile. But here I am at work, doing usual. We are currently in the process of another snowstorm, so I will probably not drive my car til tomorrow evening! Winter isn't much fun, but it sure is perty!

Monday, February 1, 2010

On Saturday, I did NOT stay up drinking until 5:00 a.m. with Ash and some of our cousins..that would just be absurd.

In that time, I did not listen to tons of Lady Gaga & dance so much that my body aches even still.

On Sunday, I did NOT sleep basically til 5:00 p.m., get up, shower, go to church, go eat at Chipotle, then go back to sleep! I would NOT ruin a whole day just for one night of fun!

I am not secretly excited and way nervous for my job interview tomorrow, and I did not put of preparations for said interview. EEEK.

Destiny calls....

I am joining in on Robin's Blog Fun! Go to her blog too see what LOST trivia she is bringing to the table!

Hello, My name is Ashley,

and I'm a Lost-ie.

1. If you were on the island, which group would you be in? Survivors, Others, Dharma?
A survivor, because they get to live on the beach and seem to be perfectly happy and fine. For the most part. I could deal without people being taken, but the survivors always reign!

2. If you were stranded on an island, which character would you want to be stranded with?
Richard Albert. He makes things happen. :)

3. Which backstory was your favorite?
My favorite backstory would have to be just had so much more meaning. For him to finally avenge his nemesis was pretty wicked.

4. Are there any mysteries you really hope will be solved in this last season?
Who "Little Charlie" really is, other than Desmond & Penny's son. Is he Whitmore or Charlie? CAN'T WAIT. Desmond HAS to have some importance, we don't know his childhood..only his adulthood.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mr. Ashley Donaldson

This is my husband, his name is Ash. He has been my best friend for the past 9 years...and is now my soul mate! I love him with all of my heart!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A little bit scattered...

There comes a time in every persons' life, where you just throw your hands up and say "whatever". Lately, people really just irritate me.

Life has been throwing fewer and fewer lemons these days..and I am almost out of lemonade.

My life, is perfect with a side of speed-bumps. I am where I want to be in my life. I am surrounded by great family and friends. I have the most amazing cousins anyone could ever ask for. I really enjoy our newly found time together! I am so much closer with my *new* sister, Jocelyn! I am so happy that we are where we are! I have the most amazing husband, he is my best friend. We are perfect. I, on the other hand, am still working on my perfectness. I know, I know...I will never be PERFECT, but I will be pretty darn close! My mom brought up that she would like to sponsor a child from Auberle, a home for children without adequate parents. I am considering doing this as well. I feel like I need to do something for the community. Maybe I can volunteer with my church for some stuff, work at the food bank, donate some clothes. If I was older, and had my life together, I would even consider fostering a child. I have always had an interest in fostering/adopting older children who have less of a chance of getting homes because of their age. Right now, I am not financially or mentally able to do this, but spending a few days a month with a kid is much more viable. Ash is interested in some volunteer work as well. We can do it together and help to build our own relationship even further. Not only will it be good for someone else, it will help us to be better people!

So as for the people who irritate me, I am letting it go. I really do not need it! :)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This weekend I did NOT totally enjoy running around the Pittsburgh Children's Museum with my nephew Tyler.It did NOT prompt me to become very excited for the day I have my own 2 year old to chase around!!

I did NOT catch my nephew's vomit at the Children's Museum cafeteria...that would be just gross!

I did NOT eat only Mexican food this weekend...I am NOT obsessed with Mexican food..and I am most certainly NOT obsessed with Chipotle.

And lastly, I did NOT thoroughly enjoy a long nap alongside my husband yesterday afternoon. I would NEVER nap when there were so many other things I could be getting done!