Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A New Year...

A new outlook on life.

This year, my resolution is not to lose weight (my tonsillectomy will do that on its own), but to be a better "me". Far too many times, I let people get the best of me. I let people hurt my feelings and crush me to the ground. I took personally, what people feel about my life and actions.

Well, ladies and gents, I.AM.DONE.

From this year forward, I will posses a "D.G.A.F." attitude. When someone feels badly about themselves, and tries to belittle me to heal their pain...I won't care. I am the most important person to myself. I have to respect myself. I will no longer be confrontational in my handling of problems. If you have a problem with me, well, you have a problem with me and should just go away.

From this year forward, I will put family before friends...because let's face it...friends come and go. I have never in my life had friends stick around for more than a few years, I guess I am just not a great friend. Pity me. :)

I will be an assertive, happy, fun, family oriented, married, new job seeking, life of the party, caring chick on a mission to follow her path in life!

Welcome home, me.

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