Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Tale of Two Ashleys

Recently, on NBC Miami’s website, there was an editorial titled: A Tale of Two Kellys. This concerned me because my fiance and I are living a similar story, only we did not seek out to find one another, fate had just done its job.

Summer 2001. I had just started my first part time job, at Kennywood Park. Being the "newbie" in the stand, I was unfortunately put on sweeping duty. Bummer. I suppose it couldn't have been as bad as I pretended. I mean, I did get to walk around a bit, avoid the sticky hotness of the greasy burger stand and flirt with all the cute boys looking my way. There was one in particular who worked in a stand attached to mine, he and his friend would throw straws and other litter on the ground so that I would have to come sweep it up near them. They joked around poking fun at me, but nothing too harsh, basic boys who like girls nonsense. The manager from my stand even took notice, and asked if I wanted them to stop...NO. What was she thinking? This was my future husband we were talking about, and I knew right then that he would be just that. I soon grew tired of the sweeping, and asked for a transfer. I was transfered to the other side of the park, at the Lemonade Stand. I was now known as far from my love as I could be, but to my luck, my love's stand was on my way to and from the break room! Every day, I would walk past, peeking in to catch a glimpse at the boy behind the counter...and being caught. Fast forward a few months...the last day of the season. I was cleaning up my stand when a highschool friend walked up to me, handed me a piece of paper, and said "Ash wants you to call him". So then it began. I called Ash for the first time, while watching Stir of Echoes. We talked about ourselves, and I learned that his name was ASHLEY for the first time. Ashley, are you serious, how many times can you say you stumbled upon the love of your life and he had the same name as you?! What are the chances that a guy named Ashley would like a girl named Ashley? Ash attended Penn State McKeesport, which was right across the street from my high school. Sometimes he would meet me after school and hang out for some short visits. Since I was so still in high school, he didn't want to date me. Then one day, he called me about a concert. He and his friend were going and he wanted to know if I wanted to go. Of coarse, I'd love to! That night, during Unwritten Law's set, we shared our first kiss. It was wonderful. It was in the rain. From that night on, things began to change. Kennywood then opened again, and we both went back to work. This summer was different, we actually met for lunch and hung out on breaks. We were both working when the tragedy of the "microburst" occured. That microburst knocked all power out in West Mifflin, so thankfully we had a few days off. Ash's friends were throwing a party that week to celebrate the darkness with a beer pong tournament. Ash's friend blew him off, so he asked me to accompany him. Not ever playing beer pong, drinking beer, or attending a "college" party...I agreed. He picked me up, and the slack from my horrible beer pongness. Later that evening, we just sat around talking, flirting and ending up a couple. It was official, we were together, as husband and wife boyfriend and girlfriend. Since 2002, we have shared many amazing places, friends and memories! Once I graduated high school, I went to California University of Pennsylvania. Ash decided that he would transfer to Cal as well, as his best friend and I were both going to be living up there and he was not making much progress in the PSU program. We spent our college years together. Once Ash graduated, he had to move back home...but still would visit very often. We were inseparable. For many years we got to explain to people that our names were the same. Lots of giggles, and surprise. Fast forward to October 21, 2008, my 25th birthday! Ash was laid off at the time, and working evenings...so he decided to meet me for lunch on my birthday. He showed up to my work, and asked me if I wanted my gift before lunch...DUH!!!! It was raining, so i leaned into the car to open the box on the seat. Thinking to myself, why would he get me another cake, I already had like 3. I looked at the cake and said aww thanks babe...not even realizing the words for a few seconds. The cake read, "Will you marry me?" and sitting right there in the icing was the most sparkly diamond I had ever seen! I was so excited, I jumped up and hugged him, sliding that huge rock onto my finger. All the excitement caused me to not even realize I hadn't even said yes yet! Yes, Yes, Yes! Then we went to lunch, and I couldn't even eat. I was beyond excited. I had been waiting for that moment forever! It was such a surprise. The only person who knew was his mom, she got it out of him earlier in the week. I told a few people, but kept it from my mom till I saw here when I got home! Since it was my birthday, my mom took me to Fuddruckers, and a few of my friends met us there...I showed them the ring, they were so excited for me! It was wonderful. Best birthday ever. On November 21, 2009, I married the love of my life. We had a huge snowflake themed wedding! Our names confused every vendor and person we have dealt with over the years, and it was now officially the same! Our Catholic Priest even made a later in evening phone call to me to “be sure” that “HIS” name was Ashley. Everything was perfect. We became Ashley & Ashley Donaldson, by fate.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Aw, i love this story, i'm such a sucker for romance. :) Found you thru Mama M's Five Question Friday blog hop. Love your header, too! That's really cool - Ashley & Ashley. :)